
Health Benefits of Margosa / Neem Tree

Health Benefits of Margosa / Neem Tree

Margosa, also known as neem, is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent, which has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine due to its numerous health benefits. The tree's bark, leaves, and seeds contain compounds with antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Wed, 10th May 2023Read More
Monkeypox… Is this the next world pandemic?

Monkeypox… Is this the next world pandemic?

Although developed countries were able to overcome Corona virus to some extend still most of the third world countries are suffering from it. These days “Monkeypox” is a very famous health topic. What is this Monkeypox? Will this be the next world pandemic?

Wed, 25th May 2022Read More
How to get rid of head lice?

How to get rid of head lice?

“Head Lice” the name itself is a very disgusting thing. If there are head lice in our head, it gives us a big headache. No one likes to stay closer to a person with head lice. Head Lice is not just a tiny parasite.

Wed, 23rd Feb 2022Read More
Are you aware of Cervical Cancer?

Are you aware of Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is a situation develops in women’s cervix. Cervical cancer happens when cells in the cervix are changed by cancer cells. Cervical cancer grows slowly. So, there is much more time to diagnose it before it causes a serious damage to you.

Thu, 1st Jul 2021Read More
Amazing Health Benefits of Strawberries

Amazing Health Benefits of Strawberries

Although, strawberries are widely available in our country, most of us don’t frequently eat them like other fruits. One reason for that is strawberries are very expensive. Other thing is some people don’t like the taste of it. But there are so many health benefits that we can get out of eating strawberries.

Wed, 17th Feb 2021Read More
Don’t let the breast cancer to ruin your life

Don’t let the breast cancer to ruin your life

The idea of most people is breast cancer is not that much dangerous and we can be fully recovered after removing the infected breast. But this can only be done if the cancer is diagnosed at the early stage.

Sun, 31st May 2020Read More
Wash your hands correctly to kill Corona

Wash your hands correctly to kill Corona

These days the topic “Corona” is in everyone’s mouth. Everyone talks and searches about many ways to protect from this virus.

Sat, 11th Apr 2020Read More
Reduce the impact of air conditioners to your eyes

Reduce the impact of air conditioners to your eyes

With the increasing temperature in these days we all tend to spend more time with the air conditioner. Although an A/C can give you a quick relief to your sweat, are you aware about the negative impact it can cause to your health?

Thu, 2nd Apr 2020Read More
Cure canker sores at home

Cure canker sores at home

Canker sores is a most common oral problem that a person has to experience many times in their lifetime. These small shallow ulcers appear in your mouth, on lips and throat are painful and make eating uncomfortable.

Tue, 25th Sep 2018Read More
Lower your cholesterol without drugs

Lower your cholesterol without drugs

Nowadays high cholesterol is a common issue among many of us. So, let’s see what you can do to lower your cholesterol level without getting drugs.

Wed, 28th Mar 2018Read More
Say Good Bye to Varicose Veins naturally

Say Good Bye to Varicose Veins naturally

Varicose veins is a very common health issue that can be mostly seen among older and pregnant women.

Sun, 15th Oct 2017Read More
Are you really drinking water the right way?

Are you really drinking water the right way?

Water! We all drink water every day. Have you ever wondered how precious it is and how important water is to our body.

Tue, 19th Sep 2017Read More
Heal Your Cracked Heels…

Heal Your Cracked Heels…

A cracked heel, also known as heel fissures is a very common problem for many people mostly caused by lack of moisture.

Sat, 16th Sep 2017Read More
Is drinking cold water harmful?

Is drinking cold water harmful?

Drinking cold water in hot days feels heavenly. It gives such an amazing feeling to your body and mind when you drink ice water.

Fri, 8th Sep 2017Read More
Fight Stinking Morning Breath Naturally

Fight Stinking Morning Breath Naturally

How do you feel when you have to wake up with unpleasant smell in your mouth? No one likes to wake up with a bad smell.

Tue, 29th Aug 2017Read More
Home remedies to get relief from your Wisdom Tooth pain

Home remedies to get relief from your Wisdom Tooth pain

If you are in the ages of 16-25 or early 30s, you are going to be wise. Welcome wisdom tooth to your life. Whether your wisdom tooth makes you wise or not is a separate matter. But, for sure it gives you intense pain.

Sat, 26th Aug 2017Read More
Health Benefits of Fruits

Health Benefits of Fruits

Fruits are not only delicious but also very nutritious. Here are some nutritional facts of fruits.

Tue, 15th Aug 2017Read More
Coriander: The Miracle Herb in Your Kitchen…

Coriander: The Miracle Herb in Your Kitchen…

Coriander is a miracle seed that can be found in your kitchen. This can be used both as a spice and an herb. Dried coriander seeds are in brown colour, with a sweet aroma and warm, mild, sweet taste. The fresh leaves of the plant have a more citrus flavour than the seed.

Fri, 17th Mar 2017Read More
Health Benefits of Turmeric

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a very common herb which is native to Southern Asia. Turmeric has been used since antiquity as a natural dye and condiment. This is commonly used in Asian countries for their culinary uses mainly because of pepper like aroma, sharp taste and golden colour.

Sun, 12th Mar 2017Read More
How to get pregnant faster…

How to get pregnant faster…

Being pregnant is the most important thing in woman’s life. In these days you may be eagerly waiting to become pregnant. If you need to be pregnant soon you should concentrate on everything what you do.

Mon, 7th Sep 2015Read More
Why is a man’s hygiene so important to women?

Why is a man’s hygiene so important to women?

We all know that some gents don’t consider about their beauty or appearance as ladies. But, do you know that personal hygiene of a person helps not only to keep a person healthy but to attract opposite sex.

Sun, 26th Apr 2015Read More
Why do I get sweaty palms?

Why do I get sweaty palms?

Those who have an issue in their life know the pain of it. This is same for health problems also. We have seen there are some people who always keep a handkerchief in their hands and wipe hands. That is because their hands are excessively sweating.

Sun, 22nd Mar 2015Read More
Vomiting During Pregnancy

Vomiting During Pregnancy

Vomiting is very common during the first trimester in your pregnancy. Some women may not get heavy vomiting. But, some women may experience very heavy vomiting making impossible for them to attend their day to today works properly.

Thu, 25th Dec 2014Read More
What is EBOLA?

What is EBOLA?

These days’ whole world talks about EBOLA. Actually, what is this EBOLA?

Sun, 17th Aug 2014Read More
Increasing Male Fertility

Increasing Male Fertility

When it comes to fertility, all talk about women. If a married woman is not pregnant most people think that it is a fault of women’s side.

Thu, 7th Aug 2014Read More
Foods That Boost Your Libido

Foods That Boost Your Libido

Do you feel that there is no desire for you to have sex with your partner? If so, there may be something wrong with your meal. If you really want to increase your libido, you have to concentrate more on what you eat.

Tue, 22nd Apr 2014Read More
Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Dryness

After menopause process it is common for many women to have vaginal dryness. But in any age it can happen the issue of not having adequate vaginal lubricant.

Sun, 9th Mar 2014Read More
Reasons For Not Having Sexual Desire

Reasons For Not Having Sexual Desire

It is normal to have peak times in sexual desire and less sexual desire in some periods. Having a good sex life is very important to have a good and long lasting relationship of a couple.

Sun, 9th Mar 2014Read More
All you need to know about Menstruation

All you need to know about Menstruation

Menstruation is also called as periods. Menstruation is a very normal thing for women and it reflects the healthiness of women. Some women experience some difficulties before or during menstruation.

Sun, 9th Mar 2014Read More
Top Foods for Women...

Top Foods for Women...

Does a woman need to eat differently than a man? What do you think? A woman’s nutritional need is differ from a man. Hence, woman’s eating behavior should differ from a man.

Sun, 9th Mar 2014Read More


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