Boys or girls? Sarongs for all…
Sarong has been a very popular dress in Sri Lanka for so many decades. But with the latest fashions, and with the busy lifestyle sarong has gone to a corner of our wardrobe. Surprisingly few years ago, sarong has become a new fashion trend. Most of the men tend to wear sarongs for weddings, parties and for special events. Because of this fashion trend, traditional sarong was modified and introduced to the market with new additions.
Is this sarong only for men? Not at all. Women too wear sarongs. But we don’t straight away call it as a sarong. It is call Lungi. Whatever the name given Lungi is also another version of sarong. Instead of waring the sarong in the same traditional way, it can be worn in different ways.

In Sri Lanka, when talking about sarong the attention goes to men. Men also can wear the sarong with new styles. But you need to make sure to select a style based on the occasion. Also, check whether a sarong can add some sort of personability to you. The way of tying, way of folding the sarong, length of the sarong, the shirt you wear with the sarong are the different ways that you can try out to make a new style. Try out all possible ways and select the best match for you. Some men are very handsome when they wear a sarong rather than wearing a trouser.
With this new sarong trend, the traditional sarong has been modified in different ways. Pockets, buttons, belts, different themes mostly come under these modifications. The most important thing you need to do is, select the best match for you rather than just following the trend.

Sarong or a Lungi is very popular among women too. Wearing a Lungi for the New Year or special occasions like weddings are very common these days. Not only for special occasions most women now wear Lungi for their normal day to day journeys too.
Boy or Girl.. No proble… Now you all can wear sarongs,…