Eggs are more than just a healthy breakfast
Eggs. What comes to your mind first? Definitely, it’s your breakfast. Today, we are going to make you aware about amazing health benefits of eggs. Most of us don’t like to apply eggs on our hair and face due to its disgusting smell. But, if you are well aware about how eggs can make you beautiful you would definitely try them.
White egg mask
For this mask we need 01 egg white and 01tsp of honey. Mix these two ingredients together and apply it on your face and neck. Let it dry completely and wash with lukewarm water.
Remove acnes and black heads
Mix 01 egg with the juice of one lime. Apply it on your face and let it dry. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment once a week until acnes and black heads disappear completely.
Effective body scrub
For this body scrub it needs egg shells of 05 hardboiled eggs, 02 tbsp of honey and salt. First blend egg shells thoroughly. Mix blended egg shells with honey and salt until it becomes a thick paste. Scrub your body form this paste with the help of a loofah. This treatment helps to give you a beautiful glowing skin by removing dead and weak skin.
Eggs for attractive and strong nails
Do you have weak and easily cracked nails? If so, this treatment is for you. Mix one egg white with ¼ cup of lukewarm milk. Soak your nails in this around 10 mins. Wash your hands with cool water. This way you can get strong and attractive nails.

Dandruff and hair fall treatment
Did you know that you can get a relief for your dandruff and excessive hair fall issue with eggs? Get 02 whites and beat it well, mix it with 04 tbsp of coconut oil. Apply this on your hair and sculp with a brush. Leave it around 01 hour and wash with lukewarm water. Fatty acid and essential protein contain in egg whites enrich your sculp resulting a glowing and long hair.
Egg scrub for face
Eggs can effectively treat your under-eye puffiness, under-eye darkness and dark spots on the face. For this scrub apply 01 egg white on your face and let it dry around 01 hour. Wash with cold water. Vitamins and proteins contain in egg whites give necessary nutrition to your face and enhance fairness of your face.
Solution for scratch marks
Scratch marks give us ugly, dull and boring look to your skin. Even when selecting a dress, we try to cover those scratch marks. Mix one egg white with few drops of almond oil and massage the affected area around 05 mins. Leave it 10 mins more and wash with lukewarm water. Constantly repeating this treatment helps you to get rid of stretch marks completely.
Do you have an oily hair?
Mix 03tsps of lemon juice with 01 egg white and apply on your face. Wash it completely after around 15 mins.
Homemade conditioner for your hair
It is always better to make your conditioner at home than purchasing chemical products from the market. Mix 01 egg white with ¼ cup of yoghurt and 02tsps of olive oil. Apply this paste on your hair and leave it there around 45mins. This way you can get a smooth and glowing hair.
Worrying with a frizzy hair?
Do you have a frizzy hair? If so, this is the best way to make it neat. Mix 02 eggs with 01tbsp of unflavored mayonnaise. Apply it from root to end. Cover your hair with a shower cap for 20 mins. Wash this completely with your shampoo.
Check your health condition and allergies with a doctor before trying these home remedies.